Monday, May 7, 2007

What can we do to save energy for our lovely planet?

In Your Daily Life
Only 40% of the average American’s carbon footprint is due to their direct energy use. The other 60% is indirect; it comes from everything we buy and use—goods and services. Pay attention to your consumption and waste habits, and you’ll find lots of opportunities to conserve.
1. Reduce. Reuse. Recycle.
2. Buy local. Shipping burns fuel.
3. Eat less meat.

At the Office
1. Turn ‘em off - Only use the lights you need.
2. Turn ‘em off 2 - Shut off lights in unused rooms.
3. Enable your power management - So your computer and monitor shut down (do this at home, too).
4. Push the button - Push the power button on your computer monitor. Even while on standby, it still uses energy, so what’s the point if you’re going to be gone all weekend?
5. Don’t print it - Do you really need those hard copies, or can you save it on your computer instead?
6. Double-side print - Saves paper, too.
7. Can you carpool or transit or bike to work?
8. Open up - If you have windows you can open, use them to intelligently save energy.
9. Bring your lunch - Or walk to the local eatery instead of driving.

A little help can make a big different for the world. Let's start to save energy and tell this to all your family and friends.

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